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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ready, Fire, Aim

Let's start with a quote from Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles and the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.  Ready, Fire, Aim!  In other words, if you have an idea or a goal, just start moving.  Don't worry so much about how it's all going to pan out in the end just DO IT, and this is me doing it; oh, and blogging about it.

I've decided that since 2010 is the year I turn 50 (May 16, in case you were wondering), I would get out into the world and really start having some fun!  A LOT of FUN!

Since the beginning of the year I've been flirting with the idea of trying new things, seeing new places, meeting new people and just getting out of my comfort zone in general.  I am the type of person who loves to be adventurous, if not down right dangerous.  Two specific things come to mind as I write this.

The first was 1995 when I went skydiving in Beiseker Alberta.  At the time, there had been a recent accident where someone had actually died during a jump because the parachute didn't open correctly.  Needless to say, it seemed a bit crazy at the time, but what the heck, go for it.  I should mention here that I did lose radio contact on my way down and landed quite a ways from my target.  Without the necessary communication, I didn't realize that I had forgotten to release the brake before landing.  When that happens, you're coming down faster than you should be and when I finally did land, CRACK!  I had broken my leg.  Ouch! The funny thing about it was the video camera surprisingly failed during my landing and I never did get the shot of that. There may have been a fear of repercussions from the skydiving company.  No regrets about that one.  I would do it again. that's an idea!  I'll keep you posted.

The second thing that comes to mind was in 2006.  Once again, I was also looking for something I could do that would challenge me.  For the longest time I thought I wanted to learn hang gliding.  As it turned out, I would learn how to ride a motorcycle.  Lessons were offered at the Calgary Safety Council and I signed up for a week long session in June.  To date it has been the toughest challenge I had given myself, ever!  Every night was a frustration, and every night I came home practically in tears thinking I am never going to get this.  Monday thru Friday was lesson time.  Saturday was the true test.  Would it be pass or fail?  If I pass the course, there would be the road test the on Sunday to receive my Class 6 driver's license.  Saturday came and everyone was nervous.   They graded you on a point system.  As long as you were over a certain number, you passed.  I can't remember how well I did exactly, but I passed the course. 

The road test on Sunday was a different story.  There was a limit of 3 errors.  After that, you fail.  If you drop the bike at any time during the testing you automatically failed.  You could be waiting for your turn and it could happen, it didn't matter.  The first test was parking on an incline.  You ride the bike up the ramp and stop at the top.  Next, put the bike in neutral, find your reserve switch and put your bike in gear.   The last part, ride off the ramp.  Well, that last part was the kicker, literally.  I was so nervous I held on to the brake with clenched fists and couldn't seem to ease up enough to get going.  The next thing I knew, the bike was underneath me.  FAIL! 

It could have been worse.  I could have dropped the bike on the last maneuver instead of the first.  No big deal.  I hung out and watched as everyone else successfully passed the test.  Me?  I came back the next weekend and tried it again.  This time, PASS!  Yessssss!

Okay, so that was then, this is now.

The Plan - 50 Adventures
The Rules - There are no rules
The Deadline - December 31, 2010

Let's get started.....Ready?  Fire!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent first blog sista. You write very descriptively giving the reader a feeling of being there.
