ZIPLINING- for those from 5 to 95 and between 40 and 275 lbs. Basically, it's anybody's game, as long as you sign the waiver!
The company was
AdrenaLine in Sooke, BC. I was given the Do's and Don'ts over the phone when I booked our time. Be there 20 minutes ahead, no drinking, strict rules on the weight guidelines, etc., etc.. The one that stood out for me was when he said that proper shoes are important and flipflops will be duct taped to your feet. Hilarious!

The roads were perfect for a motorcycle ride from Victoria to Sooke to get to the location. The first run was the tester of 130 Ft in length just to make sure everyone was okay. Next, was the steep uphill climb in an ATV to get to the next run. It was a fun ride. I'd never been on an ATV before and is definitely on the adventure list. We went from 250 feet to 1000 feet lengths. For me, the longer the better. It wasn't the least bit scary, just FUN! The only thing this adventure was missing was more runs.
Fun! Wow!